Fate teaser – FATE a film
Fate teaser – FATE a film by Anton Forsdik FATE film (2017) Produced by afpitch, Directed by Anton Forsdik, starring Malte Gårdinger,Liv Wiklund,Odin Romanus,Sarah Marklund
Festival Internacional Pequeno Cineasta
Official Selection!!! Festival Internacional Pequeno Cineasta Brazil 2016
International Short Film Festival Kinosmena
Official Selection!!! International Short Film Festival Kinosmena will be 23-25 September 2016 in Minsk, Belarus
Richmond Youth Media Festival
Richmond Youth Media Festival We loved watching your film! We are excited to let you know that I don’t want to live anywhere else has been accepted into this years film festiv
CINEPHONE INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILMS FESTIVAL Thank you so much for submitting your film I don’t want to live anywhere else to
2-Minute Film Festival – Carnegie Museum of Art’s
Acceptance: Dear Anton, Thank you so much for submitting your film I don’t want to live anywhere else to Carnegie Museum of Art’s 2-Minute Film Festival! Short films were s
I don’t want to live anywhere else a film by Anton Forsdik
Second only to casting choice in the hierarchy of movie anticipation, judgment and general fanboy buzz is the look of a comic book character. Art is always subject to the interpret
Jag vill inte leva någon annanstans
Audio file from the movie. I Don’t Want To Live Anywhere Else – Jag vill inte leva någon annanstans