Everything About the Actual Difference

Everything About the Actual Difference
Everything About the Actual Difference

Olle Samuelsson lacks vitality. Therefore, he turns to his inner universe to find an answer to the constant quest to feel unique and satisfied with everyday life, but the quest has its consequences and soon Olle can neither distinguish between reality and thoughts. What really makes the actual difference?


Directed by

Anton Forsdik

Writing Credits

Anton Forsdik (writen by)


Anton Forsdik Anton Forsdik Olle Samuelsson
Moa Åström Moa Åström Mother
Vincent Saldell Vincent Saldell Father
Philip Carlsson Philip Carlsson Future Olle Samuelsson
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Harald Ankarcrona Harald Ankarcrona Pedestrian
Edith Malmberg Edith Malmberg Sister
Julia Olsson Julia Olsson Wife to future Olle
Patrick Olsson Patrick Olsson Pedestrian
Pontus Rheindorf Pontus Rheindorf Wedding Photographer
Dante Wiechel Dante Wiechel Brother

Produced by

Fanny Forsdik producer

Music by

Sean Sigfried

Cinematography by

Edris Hakimazada
Truls Kahlbom
Sean Sigfried

Editing by

Anton Forsdik

Art Department

Petronella Lagergren storyboard artist

Sound Department

Per Sundström sound mixer / supervising sound editor

Visual Effects by

Jonas Lindfors visual effects
Gabriel Tiedtke colorist
Julius Wadman additional colorist (as Wadman Julius)

Editorial Department

Fanny Forsdik additional editing
Gabriel Tiedtke colorist

Additional Crew

Harald Ankarcrona production assistant
Forsdik Philip economist

Somewhere Avenue, Stockholm – 11443

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