I don’t want to live anywhere else

I don't want to live anywhere else
I don’t want to live anywhere else

It is a very important social issue that I want to highlight and explain on the cinema screen.Hope it reaches the right corridors.Loneliness is a hell.

It is a very important social issue that I want to highlight and explain on the cinema screen.Hope it reaches the right corridors.Loneliness is a hell.

It is a very important social issue that I want to highlight and explain on the cinema screen.Hope it reaches the right corridors.Loneliness is a hell.


Directed by

Anton Forsdik

Writing Credits

Anton Forsdik (writer)


Anton Forsdik Anton Forsdik Olle

Produced by

Anton Forsdik producer

Cinematography by

Fanny Forsdik


Gustav Danielsson very special thanks: for everything he believed in me

Somewhere Avenue, Stockholm – 11443

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